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Cars for sale from the United States
Seller notes: | “Power steering pump leaks needs a new serpentine belt and rear tyres battery is new but needs to be ... |
Read moreabout the seller notes: | “Power steering pump leaks needs a new serpentine belt and rear tyres battery is new but needs to be recharged as the car has been sitting in the garage for a while apart from that body is straight and paint is in very good condition” |
Read lessabout the seller notes: | Year |
2011: | Type of Title |
Clear (most titles): | For Sale By |
Private Seller: | Body Type |
Sedan: | Drive Side |
Right-Hand Drive: | Transmission |
Automatic: | Model |
A4: | Manufacturer |
Audi: | Car Type |
Passenger Vehicles: | Interior Colour |
Tan: | Exterior Colour |
Beige: | Fuel Type |
You want to sell a car? + add offer Free
Sale Price: | 500 |
Car location: | Australia |
Last update: | 28.04.2024 |
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